Saturday, April 28, 2007

First Planting: Part 1

the bare bed
Okay! We have our first plants in the ground!

I took some Before pictures with my little computer-camera that I downloaded tonight, and some After pictures with a disposable camera that I'll get developed tomorrow. So I'm just going to post half the story tonight, and the rest tomorrow.

Looks tiny from this perspective, eh?

right foot
Here's a closer view of the bottom-right. That's one of the two chrysanthemums that Ed planted a week or so ago.

mum closeupHere's a close-up of its sister on the left end.

And that was all that was there when we started at 11 AM this morning.

ready to plantHere are the plants ready to go in.

working itFirst we worked in 2 cu.ft. each of peat and steer manure, and one little bag of bone meal. My photo of that part isn't very good.

Tomorrow: pretty pictures!

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