Friday, June 6, 2008

We're still here!

I apologize for the long absence from blogging -- but the garden is going strong!

End result, March 22March 22nd, the boys from Sigma Beta Rho came, helped dig over the whole veggie bed, spread all the compost I had made, add several bags of topsoil & some amendments, lay out a drip-watering system, haul off a LOT of trash, and set in some plants. End result on the left. (Built-up veggie bed held in by cardboard because request for wooden beams has not yet made it through the DESC budget process.)

Laying in the watering system. I haven't used it yet -- every time I begin to think "I'm going to have to water pretty soon" -- it rains. When I do have to water, though, it will go straight to the roots, not on the leaves, and we'll have less risk of downy mildew, I hope.

Of course, if things stay as cool as they've been so far, we may never have to worry about downy mildew.

Setting in the first plants. Lesson #1 of the year: Do harden-off plants you've started indoors, letting them transition to the outdoors slowly. A lot of my first starts didn't make it because I just moved them straight from indoors to outdoors. Ones properly hardened-off are thriving.

That would have been 20 hours of work for one person! And that's only if I was still as young as these guys!

The garden grew slowly over the next month, but as soon as things warmed up just a little it shot up like it had been coiling its springs. Below is a photo taken almost exactly two months later:


clark said...

Anitra, the garden looks great! I'd love to see it in person sometime.

xJane said...

beautiful! I've started my Urb Garden 2.0 (I live in an apartment, so I have to make do) and long to have a full garden to tend.

aviadg said...

Hi Anitra,
Great blog and great content!
Thank you for sharing.
I wanted to invite you to our alternative/green community, but couldn't find where to contact you from, hence this comment...
Check us out at

ONNO said...

Garden looks great. Funny how plants know when it's safe to spring up.

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